COCOA - COVID-19 Contact App
TitleCOCOA - COVID-19 Contact App

COCOA - COVID-19 Contact App

COCOA is a new app that allows users to input and track their potential exposure to COVID-19. The app uses GPS data to track users' location and compare it to known virus cases. If there is a potential match, the app will alert the user and provide instructions on what to do next.

The app has been designed with privacy; all data is encrypted and stored locally on the user's device. Users have full control over their data and can choose to share it with health authorities if they wish.


The COCOA app has been updated with new features to help users track their exposure to the COVID-19 virus. The app now includes a contact tracing feature that allows users to see if they have been close to someone who has tested positive for the virus.

The app also includes a symptom tracker that allows users to input their symptoms and track their progress over time.

The COCOA app is a free tool available for download on the Google Play Store. The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare developed the app in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.





 COCOA is a new app that allows users to input information about their health and recent activities.

 The app then uses this data to determine the risk of exposure to COVID-19. COCOA also provides users with guidance on what to do if they are at risk of exposure.

 COCOA is designed to be used by both individuals and organizations.

 Individuals can use the app to track their health and exposure, and organizations can use it to track the health of their employees and customers.


The app has the following pros:

 This can help people take the necessary precautions to prevent themselves from becoming infected with the virus.

 The app is also anonymous, so users do not have to worry about their privacy being invaded.

 Additionally, the app is free, easy to use, and available on the google play store and app store.

 Overall, the app can be extremely helpful in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and protecting people's health and safety.


There are several cons to using the app COCOA - COVID-19 Contact App.

 The app is not available in all countries, which limits its usefulness.

 The app also requires a lot of personal information from users, which could potentially be used for nefarious purposes.

 Additionally, the app is not always accurate and sometimes does not work properly.

How to use the app?

Here's how to use COCOA:

1. First, download the app from the Google Play Store.

2. Then, open the app and create an account.

3. Grant the app permission to access your location and Bluetooth. When you're near another COCOA user, the app will exchange anonymized information with them via Bluetooth.


The app uses Bluetooth to exchange anonymized information with nearby users who also have the app installed. If someone you've been in close contact with tests positive for COVID-19, the app will let you know so that you can take appropriate precautions.

COCOA is currently available in Japan and is expected to launch in other countries soon.




